Digital is Vital.
The viral ecosystem of change.

Diana Tirnovan

Do you live enough paperless today? Is your business's immune system adapted for a healthy tomorrow? The wake of Coronavirus ignited a new climate of changes beyond example, innovative approaches and disruption as necessary daily habits.

Here’s a list of measurement criteria for your business mechanism health and guidelines to gear up for healing and growing your business power source. Revolve around your people, the all-embracing mindset of freedom and long-term values. It’s both a threat and a great opportunity.

Apart. Together.

We stand altogether face-to face with a never before seen menace. Meaning, mask-to face — with a Coronavirus capable to spread unknowingly fast and furious among us. Paradoxically, standing united in this ecosystem of change is the cure. We just need to switch the focus on the important parts of this entire mechanism in both personal and professional life. And build consistently within a culture of efficiency, transparency, empowerment and creativity. Partner up to complete the tasks. And as business decision makers we lead the waves for and with our teams. In a huge and deep sea of other organisms.

It’s going to be okay. Humanity has exceeded pandemic situations before and the capability of creativity and solution finding approach we possess is never-ending. Furthermore, we’ve already created a world able to connect and collect our shared intelligence and experiences. A digital one. With a tremendous force to enable new types of innovation and creativity within. As long as we are ready to discover it while accepting the amount of time, patience and value-orientation needed to see real results. The mandatory release of old, unnecessary methods becomes less and less painful.

Change is a journey.

Challenging times exposes the limits of resources and expertise. Or the lack of them. It’s like learning to smile with your eyes, now with your mask on. And this type of communication is stronger than a surface gesture, the mirror is in each other’s eyes.

Surpassing these types of limits is what we engaged in for everyday, by choosing to invest our time and talent in creating something that works. And not just for us, but for the entire mechanism we are being part of. Tune the fine parts to orchestrate a medium of trust, where decision making process is fast and frank, prototyping- quick and witty and the structures are flat and smooth. Your business value lives within every member of your team and their own personal journey to discover and unlock their talent transforms into a real adventure with digital techniques aside, as ally. The unknown is conquered with known fears converted into spaces for growth.

Measure with the eyes of a tailor

You may consider taking out-of-the-box tech tools and methods to digitize here and there, we know, the pace accelerated quickly and you want to keep up. But have in mind, the cost is calculated on a long run, adding up the maintenance, training, time and energy spent further within your desirable growth.

A tailor-made approach requires accurate measurements, hardly visible cuts and seams and a holistic approach to fit the lifestyle overall. And offers such a great freedom of style and movement. Because every body type has his own unique strengths and lines and curves. Same with your business.

Start with this:

  • Your own business purpose and pursuable goals.
  • Reflect accurately the measurements and follow them in time frames
  • Involve all parts in the process of analogue to digital conversion
  • Sketch the lines for improvement
  • Encourage the creative entrepreneurial state of mind among your entire team
  • Remember to trace the progress and celebrate within.

For every step and milestone in this journey we rely on purposefulness. A digital transformation is made consistently with custom applications.

Every prediction, as intelligent as it may seem, is nothing but the creative projection of yesterday and today. We know, it’s challenging and we understand the risks, but the right mindset, a detailed strategy and an engaged team will lead you there.

We live the times of the inevitable geopolitical, economical, technological and social evolution, and see the ethics as the only light at the end of this tunnel.

The Digital Transformation ( DX ) is aimed for processes, operations and efficiency yet offers so much space for innovation, creativity, humanity. We will have a responsible, sustainable future. Or no future at all.

Ready to take the evolutionary leap?
All aboard!